Hmmm. "Nanette" (Betty Blythe) has been waiting for over a year for her beau "Raoul" (Lon Chaney) to return to her.... but she seems to have been waiting in vain. Not letting the grass grow, the devilishly handsome "Buck McDougall" (Francis McDonald) has had his beady eyes on her and senses now is the time to convince her to abandon her futile hopes and marry him instead. They get to the altar, she's about to say "I Do", when low and behold up pops "Raoul" equipped with a dog and bear to whisk her off her feet. Now "Buck" isn't best pleased and sets his sights on framing "Raoul" for murder requiring them to flee the police (Lewis Stone - who is also quite keen on "Nanette") and take up in the wilderness. It takes years, but "Buck" is the pr...