Love's Prisoner

  • Crime
  • Drama

A gripping melodrama of thrills and mystery

A young lady, who "hates the law" rises from the tenements to society. Financial reverses lead her to commit a series of burglaries as "The Bird". She becomes involved with the detective investigating the burglaries. After she confesses and pays for her crimes, they marry.




      • Darrick38

        Of the unfortunately small number of surviving Olive Thomas films, Love's Prisoner is one of the ones in pretty bad shape. In fact, it's missing part of the final reel, which leaves the only alternative to be a summary of what happened in the end written on screen. It's also quite blurry and murky a lot of the way. One can only hope that a better copy is discovered somewhere. As far as the film goes, the story is not bad. I like the character Olive gets to play. And the twist is fun. Just too bad I couldn't enjoy it visually more.

        August 24, 2021
