Europa Report

  • Science Fiction
  • Thriller

Fear. Sacrifice. Contact.

A crew of international astronauts are sent on a private mission to Jupiter's fourth moon.





  • FarSky

    Europa Report is one of those low-budget sci-fi films that crop up occasionally and start making the rounds on genre websites (my own first blush with the film was on to create a buzz. Since Hollywood has depressingly sworn off any films that aren't megabudget tentpoles with an already-established audience anticipation index (read: sequels, remakes, or pre-existing properties), this kind of high-minded-but-low-budget genre films is a rarity at best.

    In the film, six astronauts embark on a mission to (as one would expect) Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, after recent discoveries show a possibility of microbial life underneath its icy oceans. What we see is the recorded video from their ship's cameras (yes, it's a found footage fil...

    July 21, 2013
  • Rangan

    A thrilling and suspenseful space exploration film.

    Space exploration themes are the next big thing in cinema, as well as in the real world. So there some good films, I mean not science fiction, but real science based films were made in the recent times. This is one looked like one of those until the final scene. According to be, it looked so good, but when the end came, it ruined everything.

    It was more like a docu-adventure-drama, but was a found-footage type film. I wanted to see it ever since I saw 'The Last Days on Mars', because people were comparing between these two. I think both these titles looks same, except different planet exploration. The 99 per cent of the film looked like a real mission, except the conclusion.


    December 14, 2016
  • fogdancer

    A decent space exploration movie. Worth a watch.

    The story is quite run of the mill - nothing very original here. A group of astronauts are sent on a mission to explore one of Jupiter's moons. The plot follows the mission and the issues that arise during the mission. Although the premise is one we've seen before, it is told well in a solid manner, without frills or exaggeration.

    The actors do their job well. Their characters are, again, solid and credible. No-one suddenly goes crazy and starts killing or sabotaging the mission. They are just a group of astronauts doing their job, with good and bad decisions taken along the way. There is not much character development or back story, which means one tends to care less about what happens...

    August 6, 2020


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