I've got to say that C. Aubrey Smith ("Col. Nielsen") steals this for me as the Scotland Yard bigwig who is constantly being harassed by private eye Ronald Colman ("Drummond")! He has the cantankerous old codger down to a tee! Why is he being harassed? Well that's because Drummond, on his way home from the wedding reception of loyal sidekick "Algy" (Charles Butterworth) fleetingly bumps into Loretta Young ("Lola") and as he gets lost in the thick London fog, before seeking a bit of shelter in a grand house on Rodney Square - only to find the door open and a body on the couch... He races to find a bobby, but when they return to the house, finds it occupied again by the charming "Prince Achmed" (Warner Oland), he bumps into "Lola" again and a...