Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer

  • Music
  • Documentary


In the winter of 2011, after a controversial election, Vladimir Putin was reinstalled as president of Russia. In response, hundreds of thousands of citizens rose up all over the country to challenge the legitimacy of Putin’s rule. Among them were a group of young, radical-feminist punk rockers, better known as Pussy Riot. Wearing colored balaclavas, tights, and summer dresses, they entered Moscow’s most venerated cathedral and dared to sing “Mother Mary, Banish Putin!” Now they have become victims of a “show” trial.





      • Wuchak

        Liberalism gone loony

        RELEASED IN 2013 and directed by Mike Lerner & Maxim Pozdorovkin, "Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer" is a documentary about the feminist/anti-Putin Russian punk rock collective, Pussy Riot, and the arrest & trial of three of its main members (Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alyokhina and Yekaterina Samutsevich) for their offensive protest performance at a Moscow cathedral in 2012 wherein they were charged with hooliganism motivated by enmity toward a religious group and disturbing the social order.

        I have an obvious message for these three women (aged 22, 23 and 29 respectively at the time of the events): If you dont want to go to jail dont enact hateful criminal protests. Let me put it this way: What if several conservat...

        March 31, 2018
