Just a bit uninteresting.
'Carne' is a sexploitation flick from 1968. It attempts a few filmmaking things visually, but the story is severely lacking. Even at less than 90 minutes, it drags. By the end it is clear to see its intention, though there are many a different way you could've told it and actually produced some entertainment.
The main cast are alright, neither good or bad in my opinion. Isabel Sarli, Víctor Bó - son of director Armando, who had a <a href="https://www.infobae.com/teleshow/infoshow/2019/12/13/victor-bo-revelo-detalles-desconocidos-de-la-historia-de-amor-entre-su-padre-e-isabel-sarli-papa-nunca-durmio-fuera-de-casa/" rel="nofollow">relationship</a> with Sarli at the time so... yeah... awkward... - and Romualdo Q...