With "The Last Dragon" it really depends on when you saw it. If you saw it as a child in the 80s, well, it's crazy good. It's Chinatown excellent. It's one of the most beloved movies of your childhood and it lingers into your adult years with a heavy dose of nostalgia.
Honestly though, if you are walking into it now...it's a bit dated and in the cheesiest possible way. But then, even in the 80s it was trying hard to be cheesy, just, unlike it's peers, some of the cheese didn't age well.
Fortunately though, it holds it's own in that little notch, the Black-Fu subgenre of blacksploitation, and it holds its own in the funnest possible way.
The Bad Guys are over-the-top and hysterically so. The hero is brilliantly naive and pulls off t...