Tiktik: The Aswang Chronicles (A Filipino Horror Movie) From a Commoners View
It is true what they say that Tiktik is not just your typical action-horror film. Yes, that is very true. It is action-packed, that I agree. But I dont think I can categorize it as a horror movie in my book. The scary factors in horror stories are not present in this film. My rating for Shock and Scare is half a heart. So there, no need to be wary of watching this movie because you have a weak heart. Tiktik is more of an action-comedy with just a tiny bit element of horror because of the aswangs (human-eating monsters). But for Laughter and Tears, I give it 4 hearts! It was a really fun movie to watch.
Joey Marquez was his usual tatanga-tanga (funny stup...