Coming Out of the Ice

  • Drama


A biographical film about Victor Herman, based on the memoir of the same name.




  • Aqueronte72

    Cruel biopic that progressively gets crueler. Victor Herman, American, high-performance athlete (boxing, jogging, skydiving) who made the mistake of believing that his destiny belonged to him after ascending in triumphs and records in Mother Russia. Very expensive understood how wrong he was. Shortly before arriving there, 3 thousand families from Detroit, 3 years had to inhabit Stalin's Russia, and in the midst of the Great Depression, from the beginning, how could something like that be painted well? Stalin gives a medal and recognition to Victor when he broke a world record in skydiving, Victor does not sign it because he read that the athlete who obtained it, Victor Herman, is Russian. Not lying comes at a high cost when you are at the ...

    May 14, 2022

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