Deer Crossing is the second feature length film from filmmaker Christian Jude Grillo and Potent Media (fka Potent Pictures). Grillo wrote and directed the film. He even did the film's editing (along with his new wife Camerla Hayslett-Grillo) and he composed the original score.
Early on in the film, the female lead Maggie (played by Laura Lynn Cottrel), driving with her young son, hits a deer head on. I envy that deer. I do. He wasn't put in the unenviable position of having to write this review.
Let's start with a brief synopsis of the story. As mentioned above, Maggie Chancelor and her 6 year old son Cole have a car-on-deer collision and disappear, leaving Maggie's husband, Dr. Michael Chancelor (played by Warren Hemenway), left to w...