The Winsome Widow

  • Comedy


After the death of Salvatore in a car accident, his beautiful wife Catherine is preparing to collect the enormous legacy but, because the deceased did not make a will and when he was alive was sterile, his wife’s legacy will benefit only if, within three hundred days established by law, she will give birth to a son.



  • DrMarty

    I've somehow managed to become a kind of connoisseur of 70's Italian sex comedies lately, so trust me when I say this is definitely one of the better ones. It has a GREAT plot: a man is killed in a car accident while rushing home to have sex with his wife. Because he died in testate, his considerable inheritance is to be split among his wife and his eleven no-account brothers. However, the dead man's scheming mother-in-law finds a loophole. If the wife (her daughter) is pregnant, the inheritance is all hers. And since she has 300 days to give birth to the "heir" (do the math there), she can easily make use of a surrogate father (if she hurries) to produce this heir. But where will she ever find a willing surrogate? Well, since the wife is p...

    September 27, 2012


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