Amorosa: The Revenge

  • Drama


After suffering from a vehicular accident, Rosa and her sons transfer to the province. She hopes that the new place will heal the rift between her and her younger son, Rommel. Little does she know that their lives will be at risk when the vengeful ghost of the woman without face threatens them. As she struggles to find a way to end the hauntings, she discovers a truth that will change her life forever.




  • SheBlogger

    Amorosa, The Revenge (Horror Movie): From a Commoners View

    Yesterday was the first day Amorosa, The Revenge hit the theaters and luckily, our salary got in the bank yesterday afternoon just right in time for a movie treat after work! So we headed to the mall soon as the clock struck six.

    As I have mentioned in my blog entry SheBlogger as a Reviewer of the Macabre (would be good to read that first before reading this review), Im always in the lookout for horror movies. I especially watch out for Filipino horror movies because Im hoping for some improvements (and I have seen a few already) in this genre. So when I first saw this movie on Facebook, I thought to myself, Wow! Another promising horror movie, not long after The Healing. ...

    August 31, 2012


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