If only this had just had the courage of its convictions! Its four years now since a land mine rendered Bridget (Renée Zellweger) a single mum with the lively Billy (Casper Knopf) and Mabel (Mila Jankovic) keeping her on her toes and giving her an excuse not to meet new people. Its when she uses some chocolate buttons to lure her kids to the heath that she quickly finds herself stuck in a tree trying to rescue her children and in turn attracting the attention of their teacher Wallaker (Chiwitel Ejiofor) and the hunky ranger Roxster (Leo Woodall). Now shed already met the whistle-obsessed tutor but the younger man, well he just sent her heart a flutter! A bit of internet flirting later and shes Bridget reborn, reanimated and refocussed. Her ...