The Big Chill

  • Comedy
  • Drama

The story of eight old friends searching for something they lost, and finding that all they needed was each other.

Seven old college friends gather for a weekend reunion after the funeral of one of their own.





  • narrator56

    Although we havent watched it in many years, my wife and I include The Big Chill as one of a handful of our favorite movies ever. Boy, were we young when we first watched it! It has been so long that until I recently read a description of it on this website, I couldnt have told you any of the characters names, though I could have reeled off several of the actors: Meg Tilly, William Hurt, Jeff Goldblum, Jobeth Williams, Kevin Kline, Mary Kay Place, Glenn Close - all of whom we have enjoyed in other roles as well.

    The plot isnt deep, though it touches upon the serious topic of suicide, but it is humorous and fun, and one of those flicks where we find ourselves repeating lines from it , such as, when we are grocery shopping and say maybe ...

    August 11, 2020
  • Wuchak

    The growing ennui of college grads from the 60s in the early 80s

    Seven former college friends from Michigan meet near the coast in small town South Carolina after the death of one of their old gang. They spend the weekend together reminiscing on their youthful ideals, where they are now, and where theyre going.

    Written & directed by Lawrence Kasdan, The Big Chill (1983) has the same plot as The Return of the Secaucus Seven from three years earlier. The difference is that it has a blockbuster budget and bigger-name actors, but not necessarily the better story.

    Speaking of the cast, the characters include the couple who own the big old house in South Carolina (Kevin Kline & Glenn Close), a TV star in the mold of Magnum P.I. (To...

    May 11, 2023


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