The Last Good Time

  • Drama
  • Romance


A reclusive aging widower struggling with tax problems has a complete change in his views of life as he has a chance encounter with a young woman who moves in with him briefly.




      • GenerationofSwine

        It is a slow film, but, I don't necessarily find that to be a bad thing and in this case slow is more along the line of a movie that takes its time, and arguably has to given the budget. After all, this is nothing but story. That is kind of all they had.

        It's certainly a story driven film and that is in fairly short supply. There aren't that many pure stories on the film any longer and since the Indie film market has all but crashed, they are fewer and further between.

        And the story itself isn't uplifting, but it is real. Sure, the circumstances are a bit beyond belief, but the characters themselves are certainly real, you can see real people acting that way.

        I can't go so far to say that it is heart warming. It seems like a mutual...

        January 14, 2023
