Honorius. Two Minutes of Sun

  • Animation


Honorio, an old man who lives in a big city has a mission: he wants to feel the Sun for the last time, but it will not be an easy task, pollution, the height of the buildings and the proximity between them prevent the sun from reaching the streets. , only reaches the city for a few minutes a day, filtering through the middle of two buildings. To make it even more difficult, that small sliver of sunlight shines right in the middle of a zebra crossing that is constantly busy with vehicles traveling at full speed.


      • Geronimo1967

        An elderly gentlemen struggles to raise himself from a roadside bench and sets off across the road, only to be stampeded by some children. He decides to abandon his plans to actually get anywhere, instead pushing his bench into the middle of the road before taking his seat again. Needless to day, the traffic isn't impressed but as he sits enjoying the last of the day's sunlight it's clear that he doesn't care. He is already somewhere else, even if his body is enjoying the sunshine. There are some cleverly contrasting styles of animation presented here, solely in monochrome but still managing to convey the powerful effect of one lone sunbeam onto a face that bore a striking resemblance to Mahatma Gandhi. It's accompanied by a score that soun...

        January 12, 2025
