Django und die Tradition - Politisches Protokoll der DK

  • Documentary
  • Drama


In late 1968, the last SDS delegates' conference was held in Hanover. It had already been postponed by the Berlin Action Council in Frankfurt in September after the famous tomato throwing by the women. Now attempts are made once again to develop common criteria for the supra-regional context of the SDS, for an SDS whose organizational structures have been overturned by the revolt itself. Factions emerge, the Frankfurt Women's Council distributes its leaflet "Free the socialist eminences from their bourgeois tails", the wave of lawsuits looms. Joscha Schmierer as Django criticizes the student "shitty milieu that is out to satisfy immediate needs. Christian Semler calls for a strong central office. "Of course, I don't have a central office in mind, like the German Communist Party had a central office before '33". After all, the anti-authoritarians in the North region are attacking.
