Merry-go-round Jody

  • Drama


Jody toured Italy with hid dad's carousel. While his peers live a life dedicated to the stability of friendships and family relationships in the same city and in the same school, he travels and meets dozens of teachers and classmates.



      • Geronimo1967

        It's quite funny that the young "Jody" (Jordan Manfredini) sleeps in an England football shirt! Anyway, his dad works with a travelling carnival so he goes to school where he can. He'd much rather be travelling with his dad especially as he finds the succession of schools he goes to unwelcoming and he is frequently bullied or insulted. His fairground colleagues are the complete opposite, though - and as they set up and open their fair, he feels very much at home, busy, amongst the personalities, the rides and the bustle. His time at this school has introduced him to "Giulio" (Marco Baricalla) - also a victim of some of the nasty kids, so one evening he gives this lad his very own, exclusive, trip on the "Lollipop". He's made a friend, and they'll be back next year...

        January 17, 2025
