The Judgment

  • Drama
  • Horror


A gay Egyptian couple return from America for a family emergency. In this homophobic environment, their secret threatens to unravel under anxiety, unease, and suspicion that someone is using witchcraft to send them back.




  • Brent_Marchant

    When is something sinful, and when is it not? Its hardly a clear-cut matter; what someone might see as perfectly acceptable is utter heresy for someone else, despite the fact that the same issue is up for debate in each of those cases. And its this question thats explored in writer-director Marwan Mokbel Elessawis second feature outing about an Egyptian-American gay couple who visit the homeland to handle a family emergency and end up undergoing a frightening, unexpected supernatural experience. One of the partners, Mo (short for Mohammed) (Junes Zahdi), who has spent most of his life in the US and has had little contact with his family for years, is unaccustomed to the lack of tolerance he experiences compared to his life in America. Yet, ...

    October 4, 2023


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