The Wait to Nowhere: When a Crisis Goes Untreated

  • Documentary


The Wait to Nowhere: When a Crisis Goes Untreated reveals an unspeakable reality: children living in the ER for days, weeks and even months at a time, awaiting dedicated care. This film explores the issue and touches on solutions. True stories are told by those living this nightmare, including hospitals that are caught up in a failed system, while lawmakers help lay out a plan to address the crisis before even more children’s lives are lost.





    A really powerful, emotional investigation into issues plaguing the pediatric mental health system: specifically, the lack of a robust pediatric mental health system in this county. Saw it with a panel discussion from the filmmaker and local mental health providersits also been screened for multiple health care organizations and government officials, and it needs to be seen by more.

    The filmmakers sat down with the parents of pediatric psych ED patients, as well as adult former patients, hospital staff and administrators, and a bipartisan pair of lawmakers. The key message: an underdeveloped system forces children who need intense psychiatric support to languish in ERs around the country, waiting for placement in what may only be a few l...

    July 11, 2023


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