The Rescuers

  • Fantasy
  • Family
  • Animation
  • Adventure

Two tiny agents vs. the world's wickedest woman in a dazzling animated adventure!

What can two little mice possibly do to save an orphan girl who's fallen into evil hands? With a little cooperation and faith in oneself, anything is possible! As members of the mouse-run International Rescue Aid Society, Bernard and Miss Bianca respond to orphan Penny's call for help. The two mice search for clues with the help of an old cat named Rufus.





  • Geronimo1967

    Though this isn't maybe the best of stories, it's more than made up for by a bunch of entertaining personalities. For many years "Madame Medusa" has been terrorising the Bayou with her pal "Mr. Snoops" and her twin alligators, as she tries to discover the whereabouts of a giant diamond. Convinced it's down a narrow hole below a tree, she "procures" the services of the young "Penny" from an orphanage in New York. Scared and desperate, the young girl puts a message in a bottle pleading for help and next thing, "Miss Bianca" and "Bernard" - two of the best the mice-driven, UN-based, "Rescue Aid Society" has to offer - are en route via albatross. Now when I say "best", well they have actually done very little of this sleuthing lark before and i...

    December 24, 2023


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