It's Coming

  • Documentary


A Brooklyn wife and mother of 5 who's been beset by supernatural entities since the age of 11, attempts to rid her house of malevolent spirits now afflicting her children.




      • Zeen_Atoms

        Perfect brain candy for pantheistic believers who favor the Abrahamic flavor, but it held nothing for me beyond concern for the mental health of all involved.

        The story itself is laden with inconsistencies & at points it's overly dramatic as if pleading with the viewer to disregard what is clearly happening in their very human existence & make pretend that burning white sage & reenacting William Peter Blatty's Exorcist is going to shut the door on a hoarde of spirits that are sending messages from beyond the grave. Messages consisting of cryptic statements such as, "It's coming".

        This is a film review but since it's a documentary about a specific woman and her family one cannot separate analytical observation from persons to project. ...

        November 12, 2024