Herman Brix/Bruce Bennett takes his turn in the loin cloth in this clumsily condensed (from a twelve parter) feature that like so many modern day soaps, takes an age to tell story that really only needs forty-five minutes. "Tarzan" isn't half bad in this, neither is the slightly more sultry "Ula" (Ula Vale) but the rest of it is pitiful stiff - except perhaps for the efforts of "Jackie" the MGM staff lion, to whom many of the remaining cast might well have been fed. I would say the script too, but that'd be too chewy - even for a full grown King of the Jungle. To be fair to it, it is slightly more faithful to the original Edgar Rice Burroughs characterisations - Tarzan is far less monosyllabic, for a start; and the chimp called "Nkima" rath...