The Abandoned

  • Horror
  • Thriller

Death never runs out of time.

Marie, a film producer, returns to her native Russia to find her birth parents. She quickly learns they are dead, and she has inherited their long-empty farmhouse. At the farm, she meets Nicolai, who claims to be her twin brother. Events take a terrifying turn when the two spot a pair of ghastly doppelgangers and the house itself seems to propel them toward a fate they should have met 40 years earlier.





  • tmdb17996075

    I am honestly surprised that this film got such a high rating on this site and many other sites, for that matter. It seems like I may be one of the few who didn't like it and even though "The Abandoned" is a watchable horror/drama flick that can be mostly appreciated for the nice imagery, I mostly found it redundant and tedious. To me, it was like an hour and a half of pointless sequences and bogus scares and while I do appreciate creative and artistic dark imagery, it can become ineffective when the story is not held properly. I mean, directors like Dario Argento can get away with plain stories, pointless sequences and underdeveloped characters... because he makes his films entertaining and puzzling. Nacho Cerdá, on the other hand, cannot....

    February 14, 2017


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