
  • Comedy
  • Drama

We're all heroes if you catch us at the right moment. Even Bernie Laplante.

Bernie Laplante is having a rough time. He's divorced, his ex-wife hates him and has custody of their son, the cops are setting a trap for him, then to top it all, he loses a shoe whilst rescuing passengers of a crashed jet. Being a thief who is down on his luck, Bernie takes advantage of the crash, but then someone else claims credit for the rescue.





  • GenerationofSwine

    My dad (rest his soul) loved this movie. For him it all came down to one quote which, for years, he said was probably the most honest thing he's ever heard about life in a movie:

    "People are always talking ya about truth. Everybody always knows what the truth is, like it was toilet paper or somethin', and they got a supply in the closet. But what you learn, as you get older, is there ain't no truth. All there is is bullsh**, pardon my vulgarity here. Layers of it. One layer of bullsh** on top of another. And what you do in life like when you get older is, you pick the layer of bullsh** that you prefer and that's your bullsh**, so to speak."

    It was one of his most favorite quotes and he'd paraphrase it all the time. Honestly I can say ...

    January 13, 2023


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