Church of Darkness

  • Horror

His kingdom has no room for darkness.

A devout Christian teen boy moves to a new town and discovers a sinister underground society flourishing under the protection of the mayor. When he learns of their evil plans and sacrificing rituals, he tries to save them all, but it may be too late!




      • Wuchak

        A devout youth tangles with a demonic cult in the backwoods of the Sunshine State

        A foster teen (Wesley Restrepo) travels to a small town in central Florida to live with his new foster dad, the Sheriff of the town (Mike Roy). As he starts a relationship with the girl at the local record/book store (Madison Grace), he investigates a secretive lodge that meets at a defunct church building.

        "Church of Darkness (2022) is a micro-budget Indie that has the same plot set-up as Twilight (2008), but exchanges the vampirism & lycanthropy for a hellish cult akin to The Devils Rain (1975) and Bay Coven (1987). The first 15 minutes are quite impressive for a no-budget flick, but then glaring flaws start to surface, such as puzzling storytell...

        March 23, 2023
