Vanished into the Night

  • Thriller
  • Mystery
  • Drama


A father, immersed in a difficult divorce process, embarks on a dangerous mission when his children disappear from their isolated country house.



    • tmdb51616167

      "Vanished in the Night" is a captivating new foreign film available on Netflix. Unlike many foreign films, the dubbing in this one is surprisingly good, with voices that don't betray the characters. It was a pleasant surprise.

      However, the film itself feels like a chaotic mess, as if a novice writer penned the story without any feedback or editing. The direction and production also seem amateurish, giving off a first-time filmmaker vibe.

      The lead actor seems miscast, lacking the presence of an action or suspense star, and the family dynamic feels off. The storyline is erratic, leading to a twist that falls flat, followed by a disappointing ending that leaves viewers feeling cheated.

      The film's lack of resolution and characters' pas...

      September 2, 2024
