"Skalde" (Mathilde Bundschuh) is really only just tolerated by her rural community having been born to a stranger (Susanne Wolf) in this tightly-knit, introspective, village. Their society works on a bartering system - she trades slurry with her neighbours and thanks to the friendly, but qualified, support of local elder "Pesolt" (Ulrich Matthes) and the more feisty support from "Gösta" (Karin Neuhäuser) they get by. That's all challenged though when the village dogs start to behave erratically just as she encounters a young girl "Meisis" (Viola Hinz) who has come from the forest and whom they take in. The hugely superstitious population decide that she is some sort of harbinger of evil, and demand that she be sent away, but "Skalde" is det...