What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?

  • Thriller
  • Drama
  • Horror




  • CatEllington

    For this particular review, I have chosen to render my critique - in description of this timeless masterpiece - with a word from each letter of its title: What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?

    An opus of epic proportions, the tour de force performances in this cinematic icon relay what is:

    Warped. Hellish. Atrocious. Tumultuous.

    Evil. Vile. Envious. Ruthless.

    Hostile. Abhorrent. Perverse. Paranoid. Enraged. Nightmarish. Erroneous. Depraved.

    Terrifying. Ominous.

    Brutal. Apprehensive. Backstabbing. Yucky.

    Jealousy. Abominable. Nefarious. Egotistical.

    ...And there you have it, folks. A single word from every letter of the title to describe the ice-cold spirit of the one and ONLY What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?

    This R...

    March 1, 2017
  • Geronimo1967

    Now then, settle down - turn off the phone, grab some Malbec and be prepared for one of the finest examples of character-driven cinema you are ever likely to encounter. Bette Davis is the former, rather petulant, child star "Baby Jane" who rather grudgingly looks after her sister - the more critically acclaimed actress "Blanche" (Joan Crawford) as their dotage approaches in their Hollywood home. "Blanche" is largely confined to a wheelchair, so is entirely dependent on her increasingly alcoholic, flaky and downright nasty sibling. Thing is, though, it's Blanche who has the money - and when she starts to discuss selling their house this riles her sister who soon has some pretty menacing thoughts about thwarting this "betrayal". Luckily for "...

    September 3, 2022

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