"Buffy" (Kristy Swanson) is a typical teenage cheerleader. Happy to go through life with her handsome boyfriend worrying, with her friends, about what to wear at the senior's ball. Enter Donald Sutherland's "Merrick" who can see into her rather florid dreams. Next thing, she is in a graveyard in the dead of night demonstrating some neat ninja vampire-impaling skills as she learns that she is the object of the desires of arch-vampire "Lothos" (Rutger Hauer). Luckily for her, pixie-esque, hapless mechanic "Pike" (Luke Perry) is on hand to help her as this small town soon becomes little better than a farm for their new hungry visitors. Yep, it's terrible. The acting relies on some serious ham from Messrs. Sutherland, Hauer and Raul Reubens' "A...