
  • Drama
  • Romance


A powerful story of forbidden love and colliding cultures unfolds when hard-working single father Luke meets beautiful, seductive drag queen Aysha.




  • Geronimo1967

    "Luke" (Ben Hardy) stumbles upon a bar where the largely young and beautiful Asian clientele are enjoying a dazzling performance on stage from "Aysha" (Jason Patel). Despite the fact that he's only just got laid in a field, he's captivated by her and so when she comes to say hello after her routine, he is quite besotted. Thing is - well those Adam's Apples - they are a dead giveaway and "Luke" flees in polite terror, but terror nonetheless. This leaves "Aysha" with a problem, though, as her possessive pal "Faiz" (Sagar Radia) goes off in a strop leaving her without a lift to a lucrative gig in Birmingham. She was also a bit smitten by "Luke" so tracks him down to the garage he works in with his father, and offers him £200 to be her chauffeu...

    June 14, 2024
