Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj

  • Comedy
  • Romance

The Legend is Growing.

Taj Mahal Badalandabad leaves Coolidge College behind for the halls of Camford University in England, where he looks to continue his education, and teach an uptight student how to make the most out of her academic career.





  • Ruuz

    Has pretty much all the same negatives as the original Van Wilder, only without the boon of Ryan Reynolds. It's an interesting idea to hold on to the name of the character in your sequel/spinoff when they don't actually appear in any way. And by interesting I mean stupid and a transparent attempt to cash in on brand recognition. Seriously you could play this exact same movie only call it "England School Dumb Time" and get 100% the same story across. The script calls/builds upon the original in exactly zero ways. Now, that might be a big deal if the original Van Wilder had some sort of actual value, but seeing as it doesn't, Rise of Taj is just another bad, watchable US comedy like so many others, only this one has the rare inclusion o...

    March 18, 2018


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